In the early 1990s, three University of California researchers united behind a simple yet innovative idea: let's teach math the way children learn—through visuals and experiences. In 1998, they created an independent nonprofit now known as MIND Research Institute. They applied that experiential learning approach to the development of innovative, visually-based software games, leading to the creation of Spatial-Temporal (ST) Math®.
ST Math is a visual instructional program that builds a deep conceptual understanding of math through rigorous learning and creative problem solving. The program deeply engages, motivates, and challenges students toward higher achievement.
Through ongoing research, we continue to investigate key questions about learning, mathematics, and how the brain works. We work to create unique and effective learning environments for students and teachers, both inside and outside of the classroom.
April 28, JiJi the penguin was created
MIND is founded by 3 UC researchers: Dr. Gordon Shaw, Dr. Matthew Peterson, Dr. Mark Bodner
ST Math program is officially released,
reaching 1,000 students in 3 states
ST Math transitions to a full web-based delivery
Dr. Peterson gives popular TEDx talk, "Teaching Math Without Words"
ST Math launches with touch-enabled features, for access from tablet devices
ST Math program recognized by Business Roundtable
Inaugural Math Fair reaches 4,200
Family Math Night pilots began
1 million students using ST Math
MIND’s flagship podcast is launched
MIND receives U.S. patent for spatial-temporal teaching approach
MIND provides free access to ST Math for schools and families during COVID-related school closures
MIND announces InsightMath, a neuroscience based K-6 curriculum that transforms student learning by teaching math the way the brain learns so all students are equipped to succeed.
MIND Education engages, motivates, and challenges students towards mathematical success. MIND Education leverages and applies the research findings and insights from MIND Research Institute directly into its instructional programs, including educational goals and outcomes, content efficacy, and implementation success. During the 2022-23 school year, MIND Education and ST Math reached more than 2.28 million students and 115,000 educators across the country.
ST Math is a preK-8 visual instruction program that leverages the brain’s innate spatial-temporal reasoning ability to solve mathematical problems.
InsightMath is a neuroscience based curriculum that transforms student learning by teaching math the way the brain learns so all students are equipped to succeed.